About Us

ABIC (Abia Bloggers / Influencers Council)  is a body that unites  Online Media Practitioners,  Bloggers , vloggers, Journalist, Social Media Users, Broadcasters and Netprenuers 

ABIS (Abia Bloggers / Influencers Summit) is an annual convention of Bloggers, Journalists  Digital Influencers, Social Media Users, App and Web Developers , PROs and Media SAs, to Network, Learn and Share knowledge hosted by Abia Bloggers and Influencers Council (ABIC).

Each year the summit is expected to bring together speakers and participants from around the world who will be discussing how to reposition the image of Abia on the internet and become a destination for aspiring bloggers to kick-start their career.

We believe this event will also give the opportunity to bloggers to have a clear vision of what they can achieve with their platforms and groom the upcoming ones to create and we are looking forward to supporting the building of a vibrant community of Abia bloggers and foster international partnerships.


Our MISSION is to support bloggers, Influencers and media personnel  with the network, tools and resources to create globally competitive brands.


Our VISION is to create the premier gathering of bloggers and influencers  in the sub-saharan region who are focused on sharing Africa with the rest of the world.



Bloggers, Journalists, Social Media users, Influencers, Media SA, PROs, Web Developers, Brand Developers, Vloggers, Content Creators, Digital Marketers

Next: Top Blogger Competition

As part of our commitment to grooming upcoming bloggers, we would be launching the Next Top Blogger Competition which would be used as an opportunity to unearth the next prominent blogger in Abia.

This year’s competition will be focused on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The winner will be supported with hosting & domain packages, co-working space and mentoring from a top blogger in Abia.